Tuesday, August 01, 2006

M * A * S * H

You have to hand it to the guy in the sound booth at Turner Field.

When Carlos Delgado was hit in the knee (shin?) the other night, I started bullshitting with my roommate about the same old shit that we usually talk about, when suddenly I had to cut off the conversation and turn up the Mets game. No, it wasn't the witty banter of the SNY booth as they played the 9th replay of the ball hitting Delgado, that had the game BLARING. What I was listening for was to confirm that, yes indeed, the Braves were playing the theme song to M*A*S*H!

Haha! Great. I know it sucked that it was a Met that was in pain but I couldn't help but smile. Who doesn't appreciate a clever way to taunt an opponent?

Well done, anonymous Turner Field sound technician, well done.

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